Thursday, December 17, 2009

Increase Muscles - Tips

If you are looking to increase muscles to one day look like a bodybuilder or fitness freak, then here are some powerful tips you have to keep in mind to build a bigger better body.

1) Train 3-4 times a week with high intensity or taking the last rep to failure. Training to failure is the best way to build muscles fast. But make sure you are not over training.

2) Concentrate more on basic compound lifts like squats, bench press, dead lifts etc. for getting maximum results. I'm not saying to neglect the isolation movements, they have their own place but you must focus more on compound exercises.

3) Do not train a muscle group more than once a week. Your muscles need proper rest to grow. So never train a muscle group more than once a week unless you are on steroids.

4) Do not heavily rely on proteins. Proteins are important in building muscles but they are not the only nutrients you need. You also need carbohydrates, and essential fats to build muscles.

5) Eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound body weight. So for example if you weigh 150 pounds you need to take 150 - 225 grams of protein a day. Like wise you also need to eat 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound body weight a day. Some heavy trainers even go up to 4-5 grams.

6) Eat six smaller meals a day spaced between 2-3 hours. Each meal should contain a small portion of protein and carbohydrates.

7) Avoid high GI carbohydrates like white bread, white rice products etc. sugar and junk or fried foods. You can have a panned cheat meal a week (its only a meal not a whole day of cheat meals) meals). If you are a hardgainer you can have more cheat meals, 2 or 3 cheat meals a week on bulking. But limit the cheat meals when you are cutting.


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